automobile, races, WWII, formulaone, valentinopark, turin, italy, alfaromeo, drugfueled, champion, g

Interesting fact! After WWII, Formula One was born.

automobile, races, WWII, formulaone, valentinopark, turin, italy, alfaromeo, drugfueled, champion, g

While the earliest automobile races occurred long before WWII, Formula One did not formally begin until 1946. The inaugural race was held at Valentino Park in Turin, Italy, and was won by a driver in an Alfa Romeo 158. This event was part of Achille Varzi's spectacular recovery from a drug-fueled past. The inaugural race was held in 1946, but the first world championship would not be held until 1950. On May 13th, 14 teams and many independent drivers competed in the championship race, with Giuseppe Farina claiming the win.

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