law of attraction, manifestation, secret, universe, spirituality, energy, plato, greek

Limiting Beliefs Are Inherited, According to Geneticists

law of attraction, manifestation, secret, universe, spirituality, energy, plato, greek

Instead of feeling bad about your limiting ideas, seek to recognize and change them. Cutting-edge genetic research demonstrates why you should not blame yourself for bad attitudes that prevent you from manifesting properly. Scientists in Atlanta discovered that when mice link the aroma of cherry blossom with an electric shock, they become so sensitive to the scent that they transmit their fear to their offspring via genetic coding. This means that even mice that did not receive a shock will be terrified of the aroma of cherry blossom. Furthermore, brain imaging studies demonstrate that this anxiety is represented by the presence of certain neurological receptors.

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Did you Know? Italy was under a dictatorship for 20 years

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What Is the Habitat of a Fairyfly?


Surgery on the pancreas is extremely challenging.

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Hornets were utilised as a weapon of war by the Mayans.



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There are at least three Santa Clauses on the planet.


The Stockholm metro also serves as an art gallery.

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Libras make up the bulk of billionaires.

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Hernias come in a variety of forms.

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What Are Iguanas Fearful Of?

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Books have a more forgiving return policy than a January Kohls.

chia seed

Chia seeds were originally utilised as a kind of payment.

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Knowledge Of Constellations Came From Early Cultures

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The world's largest waterfall is located in the ocean.

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In southern England, over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.

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Men often report greater financial confidence, particularly when making investment decisions.

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Temples that have degenerated

 Selçuk Efes Camel

Turkey has no native camels, however there is an annual camel wrestling festival.


Eden Gardens in Kolkata

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A 30-foot tumbleweed Christmas tree may be found in Arizona.

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Did you Know? Spiders are considered good luck symbols in Ukraine during the Christmas season.

dust mites

One million to ten million dust mites may reside in your mattress.


Pancreatitis can result from scorpion stings.

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lowest-priced Oscar winner