Climbing up and down the cobblestone streets may exhaust you. Bring suitable walking shoes and be prepared.
Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.
Did you Know! Boys benefit greatly from silence.
If they are taken off guard, some lizards can detach their tails.
A well-known traditional treatment for all health problems, turmeric milk
A Hong Kong professor devised fibre optics.
A London tomb is supposedly a time machine or teleportation chamber.
The Dutch consume the most liquorice in the world
Not all Hermit Crabs make use of discarded seashells as temporary dwellings.
It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia
Like tattoos? Get one in braille!
Did you Know? Fun Fact! Batman defeated Darkseid... twice!
Did you Know, You Can Visit China's ghost cities.
Did you Know? President Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame
Did you Know? Russia has the world's longest railway.
Roller coasters were developed to divert Americans' attention away from sin.
Thales Of Miletus (c.625-c.546 BCE)
Mount Everest is estimated to be 60 million years old.
Did you Know? Lex Luthor does not believe that Clark Kent is a superman.
The name of E.T. is revealed in the unfinished sequel.
Youngest city
The same protein is used to make both your hair and nails.
Stomach cancer was No. 1 in the 1940s, now it’s No. 8
Did you Know? Andy Warhol directed a Batman movie without the permission of DC movies
Do you Know? What happens once the guests are inside?
Fun Fact! Machu Picchu Isn’t That Old