fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Shrimps are well-known for their deliciousness! But did you know that there are over 2,000 different types of shrimp worldwide?

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

From the tropics to the Antarctic Ocean, every marine niche is home to different shrimp species. Isn't it cool? Another fascinating shrimp tidbit I discovered was that their hearts are really in their skulls. Isn't it fascinating?

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As per the Science, wet snow is best for the snowman.

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San Marino has a history that predates the Middle Ages.

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Diabetics are helped by Amaltas

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Yes, there is such a thing as Fika.

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Mirrors have been linked to hallucinations.

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.

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Jurassic Park Raptors Sound Like Tortoises Mating

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South India provides exclusive spas to elephants


Color is essential.

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Nepal is Portugal at 90 degrees.


One proven technique to keep your skin appearing as young as possible is to use sun protection.

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Nine out of ten patients who undergo cataract surgery regain 20/20 vision.


Is monkeypox deadly?


Many empires ruled over Malta

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Call Of Duty’s Daily Players Could Fill 80 Of The World’s Largest Sports Stadiums



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Did you Know? Croft Manor area was built in a single weekend

Postage Stamp

Postage Stamp's Birthplace


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.

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Swiggy is also a tech company

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95 Percent Of Egyptians Live Along The River Nile


Lobsters stomachs are used to chew.

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Adding a new word to a dictionary is a laborious process.

Fragrant Harbour

'Fragrant Harbour' is what Hong Kong signifies.