myanmar, pagodas, kingdom, pagan, buddhism, temples, burmese, burma, thanaka, magic

95 Percent Of Egyptians Live Along The River Nile

myanmar, pagodas, kingdom, pagan, buddhism, temples, burmese, burma, thanaka, magic

Did you know that the longest river in the world is located in Egypt? The Nile River cuts through Egypt and about 95 percent of the population of Egypt resides along the Nile River. With much of the country being occupied by desert, this fact about Egypt isn’t all that surprising. 90 percent of Egypt is made up of desert and the River Nile divides that desert.

The ancient Egyptians divided Egypt into two lands, the desert, and the Nile Valley. Contrary to what you would think, upper Egypt is located in the South and Lower Egypt is north. That is because the Nile flows north towards the Mediterranean Sea.

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Did you Know? World War I was a production war.

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The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days

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Did you Know? Eating More Protein Could Help Your Metabolism

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Did you Know? Libya Imports 75% to 80% Of Its Food

bamboo,  grass, trees, woody, species, wood

Bamboo is where music was born.

butterfly, chitin, protein,  insect exoskeleton, translucent

Cabbage White is the most frequent butterfly in the United States.


Women make up two-thirds of caregivers.

Collagen, skin, wrinkle, vitamin, surgery

Foods and supplements:


A tracker claimed to have come close to snapping a photo of the yeti in 1994.

earthworm, earthworm facts, earthworm species

The earthworm has more than 1000 species.

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

There’s a good reason why braille is on the keypad buttons of drive-through ATMs.

toto, earned, munchkins, wizrd of oz, canine, actor

Toto Earned More Than the Munchkins on The Wizard of Oz

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Function and energy compatibility are determined by its mineral structure.

hernias, abdominal walls

With one product, your skin would be happy from head to toe.


Which Animal Class Does a Fairyfly Belong In?

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Roses are edible flowers

Passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

The first time the word "passport" appears in the Bible?

gut health, how to improve gut health, gut healthy foods, gut health supplements, best foods for gut

Most people with “gluten intolerance” don’t have celiac disease

Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

Bhutan only removed its prohibition on television and the Internet in 1999.

moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual, tiger eye

Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Addiction Recovery

Korean family

Every Korean family and region has their own version of kimchi.


Pompeii is located at Mount Vesuvius's foot.


Asteroids come in a variety of varieties.

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The First to Measure the Earth's Circumference

indian constitution, preamble of indian constitution, article 15 of indian constitution, article 21

Preamblem of Indian Constitusion was inspired by US.