afrikaans, african, dutch

Despite having a Dutch foundation, a number of other languages have had an impact on Afrikaans.

afrikaans, african, dutch

The languages of the individuals who were brought to South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries had an impact on the formation of Afrikaans. These included the now mainly extinct Khoisan languages, several Bantu languages (primarily Xhosa and Zulu), Malay, Portuguese, French, German, Scottish, Yiddish, and South African English.

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Ronaldo Has His Own Museum Dedicated to Him

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Glass can decompose in a million years.

Custard Apple

Custard Apple Aids in Fighting Fatigue

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It is just as vital to clean crystals as it is to wear them.

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Almond butter is the best nut butter ever!

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Rio has the world's bluest sky.

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Scientists thought this dinosaur-era tree went extinct 150 million years ago — but then it was found growing wild in Australia.

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Do you know about the cursed Terracotta Army?

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If you have a face tattoo or have had facial surgery, you will need a new passport.


Alternatives to Plastic Toothbrushes Are Better for the Environment and Your Health

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

The residence of the richest man in the 18th century

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Netflix executives used to have to make house calls.