cold sleep, sleeping in cold, cryogenic, cryo sleep,

Fact! Sleeping in a cool environment might help you lose weight.

cold sleep, sleeping in cold, cryogenic, cryo sleep,

According to Commonwealth University studies, a single month of sleeping in a 66-degree room increased respondents' fat-burning abilities by up to 10%. Sleeping in the cold can help you lose weight, according to research, since the body's metabolism speeds up to keep you warm.

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Welsh gold is used to make royal wedding rings.

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Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.

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Venus flytraps are a threatened species.

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The typical individual will spend six months of their lives waiting for red lights to change to green lights.

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Did you Know? Nail Paint was developed from the car paint!

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The First to Measure the Earth's Circumference

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Younger is a fantastic TV show to watch if you're interested in publishing.

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The Kingdom of Pagan in Myanmar

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Increasing your exercise regimen or moving heavy furniture over the weekend could result in a hernia.

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The actors memorized and played all the chess games in Netflix's The Queen's gambit.

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Did you Know? India’s first ever train ran between Mumbai and Thane


How much water is present in fog?


Did you know that Genghis Khan killed Behtar, his half-brother?