flounder, fish, hogchoker, freshwater, fish, flatfish

Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?

flounder, fish, hogchoker, freshwater, fish, flatfish

Freshwater flounders are a species of fish that may survive for up to five years in an ideal tank environment. These fish are incredibly easy to care for and would complement any freshwater tank.

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The moonstone is a feminine gemstone.

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One Rottweiler fought for the rights of veterans with disabilities.

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Apple Custard Enhances Cardiovascular Health

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During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

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Swiss Guards protect the Pope.

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Wales is abundant in natural resources.

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Persian rugs are Exceptionally  Built

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Mirrors serve as the primary optical system.


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It’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except at funerals or hospitals in Milan, Italy

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Did you Know? 50 New Shades of Colors were Created only for Akira

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Did you Know? Iceland Has No Mosquitoes 

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How is monkeypox identified?

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A person's sense of smell may be affected by Alzheimer's disease.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls has the highest flow rate in the world.

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Have you heard the legends of Hukai’po?