hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

Hindi is a direct descendant of Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language.

hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

This one from Amazing Facts About Hindi is one that practically everyone is familiar with. Simply put, Hindi is the simplest and most evolved form of Sanskrit.

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Santa's sleigh is the fastest vehicle in history.

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Rutilated Quartz and Lemurian Seed Crystals contain information.

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Did you Know? T-shirt got its name so because it resembled letter T.

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What Is the Difference Between Butterscotch and Salted Caramel?

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Shinto is a polytheistic religion.

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Nepal's great snow deposits

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Soup days are observed all around the world.

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Did you Know! Moldova's capital was destroyed in 1940

chronic smoking

In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.

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Did you Know? The Titanic's Owners Never Said the Ship Was "Unsinkable"

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The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

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The Snow in Wizard of Oz Is Asbestos

chia seed

There are "healthy" lipids in chia seeds.


Redder is better, obviously

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There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.

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Nagini Is A Real Person in Harry Potter


Afrikaans was first taught in Muslim schools and was written in Arabic script.

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There Was A 100 Year-Long Dispute Between Peru And Yale Over Artifacts Collected From Machu Picchu

venus flytrap

The Venus flytrap was chosen as North Carolina's state carnivorous plant.

Dulce De Leche

Is Dulce De Leche made with butterscotch?

Sea Lampreys

Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.

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Did you Know? Roald Dahl, the beloved children's book author, was a spy.

 Sleep Positions

Certain Sleep Positions May Leave Lines