Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl facts, Roald Dahl spy, Roald Dahl history, Roald Dahl fact

Did you Know? Roald Dahl, the beloved children's book author, was a spy.

Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl facts, Roald Dahl spy, Roald Dahl history, Roald Dahl fact

Though best known as the creator of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, the author also served as a spy for the British Security Coordination during World War II, gathering intelligence. One of his talents was seducing society ladies, maybe for intelligence gathering, possibly for his personal pleasure.

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Fennel Seeds

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Niagara Falls has the highest flow rate in the world.

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The moonstone is a feminine gemstone.


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A Swedish beverage outsells Coca-Cola.


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