roses, flowers, oldestplants, guniessbooks, world records, genus rosa, familyrosaceae, species, rome

Roses are one of the oldest flowers .

roses, flowers, oldestplants, guniessbooks, world records, genus rosa, familyrosaceae, species, rome

Rose fossils dating back 35 million years have been discovered by archaeologists. Roses are the oldest plant species to be grown for decoration, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The rose (genus Rosa, family Rosaceae) is the oldest plant species cultivated and used for decoration. According to documents dating back to AD 50, the flowers were grown in vast plantations and local hothouses to ensure a year-round supply of medicinal extracts, cooking ingredients, and ornamentation. Roses were used to decorating buildings, furniture, and people in ancient Rome, and petals were laid to create rose carpets and walkways.

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