wisdom tooth, gums, teeth, painful, extra teeth, genetics

Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.

wisdom tooth, gums, teeth, painful, extra teeth, genetics

Wisdom teeth typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. The oldest person to grow a wisdom tooth, according to Guinness World Records, was 94 years old. Wisdom teeth can erupt at any time, but they have been doing so for a long time. A 25- to 35-year-old woman died 13,000 to 15,000 years ago with impacted wisdom teeth, according to the earliest recorded case.

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"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."

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Did you Know? DC regrets Crippling Batgirl

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Indian street dogs (Indian pariah dogs) are extremely alert & social.


Kolkatas's  Chinatown


Bhutan does not have traffic lights.

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The most typical cause of ulcers is a bacterial infection.


Why flamingos balance on one foot is a mystery.

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Conspiracy theories are nothing new.

Antarctic environment

The Antarctic environment depends on krill as a food supply.

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Bangkok is considered the world's hottest city (by mean average)

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Did you Know? A ghost was a boys best friend


Many People with ADHD Have Trouble Sticking To Healthy Routines

Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit can also be applied topically to the skin as a low-cost skincare trick.

hot pocket, hot, warm, chunk stuffers

There are several varieties of crust.

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Did you Know? There is actual Lora Croft, living somewhere in Derby, England

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The summer is the period of the year when most births occur.

soap, saponification, Babylon, Ancient, alkali, oils,  Ebers papyrus, Egyptians, Chinese, Zhou Dynas

Soap has progressed from a simple cleanser to a drab daytime drama.

Snow Facts, Facts about snow, Did you know

Cities are forced to dispose the snow off in different ways.

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndromee, anxiety, caffeine, bedtime, hypnic jerk

The sensation of falling when half asleep and jerking yourself awake is called ‘hypnic jerks’

turmeric milk

A well-known traditional treatment for all health problems, turmeric milk


What is the significance of the name Bamboo?


No such thing as a Teacup Chihuahua exists.

Soy Formula

Is Soy Formula Safe?

soap, saponification, Babylon, Ancient, alkali, oils,  Ebers papyrus, Egyptians, Chinese, Zhou Dynas

High taxes inevitably resulted in shady soap-making activities.

Elizabeth White, botanist, Frederick Coville, New Jersey, USA

It wasn't until 1916 that blueberries were cultivated (highbush).