summer, summer season, summer carnival

Summer midnight match.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Consistently on the late spring solstice, a special ball game is played at the Growden Remembrance Park known as the 12 PM Sun Game. The game took place in Fairbanks, Alaska, and because the Sun was out for almost 24 hours on the solstice, there was no artificial lighting from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The custom started in 1906 and has been played consistently beginning around 1960 by The Frozen North Goldpanners.

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Books are one of the few things whose price is printed right on the packaging.

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Best Friend for Pregnant Women

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Pirates wore earrings to ward off seasickness.

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The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days

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Did you know.... Why are manga characters' eyes so big?


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.

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Meaning: Hydra In Greek Mythology

abominable snowman

The phrase "abominable snowman" was first used by a newspaper columnist.

Leonardo da Vinci, Golden Horn, Sultan Beyazid II, turkey, Galata Bridge

The Galata Bridge was nearly entirely the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

stingrays, carnivorous, beach

They snooze in the dunes.

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India’s first 5 star river cruise “M.V. Mahabaahu” on Brahmaputra

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Did you Know? Nail Paint has a long history.

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Did you Know? Mario was a villain in Donkey Kong Junior

Sound Waves

How Do You Capture Sound Waves?

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Did you Know? During World War II, Japan was developing a "Death Ray."

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.

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Did you Know? Men and Women see red color differently

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Democrats put more stock in astrology.


Collagen shields the skin from oxidation:

tunisia, Arab country, Islam

Tunis's metro system

doctorstrange, benedict, cumberbatch, benedictcumberbatch, 1978, marvel, multiverse

Doctor Strange from the 1970s


Since 1868, Tokyo has served as Japan's capital.

anime, cartoon, manga, animation, movie

For the last time...Anime is Not Cartoon!

shinto, ancestors, tragicdeath, ancientgod, books, nature, weather, topography, shintoism, gods, Jap

Shintoism has no sacred texts.


A manned spacecraft first travelled through the asteroid belt in 1972.