hernias, abdominal walls

Both men and women can get hernias

hernias, abdominal walls

Both men and women can get hernias, but men are more likely to do so. Babies are susceptible to hernias as well, which occurs while the abdominal walls are still forming and tissue pushes through a weak place in the belly naturally.

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Mirror superstition in Rome

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Coffee masters at Starbucks wear black aprons.

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The Dutch invented gin

Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds are used to treat foul breath.

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Soap and dynamite have a long history together.

chia seed

They contain a tonne of antioxidants.

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It doesn't take long for a temperature to drop.

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The World's Biggest Soufflé was devoured in under ten minutes.

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Netflix Once Generated More Internet Traffic Than Google.

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A tuk tuk can take you almost everywhere in Cambodia.

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Walt Disney

In a school play, Walt Disney portrayed Peter Pan.

Red hair

Red hair is a lovely genetic mutation.

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Bangkok is called the 'Venice of the East'