anient, egyptians, paint, eye, black, deception, copper, makeup, Alexandria, lighthouse

Alexandria Was Named After Alexander The Great

anient, egyptians, paint, eye, black, deception, copper, makeup, Alexandria, lighthouse

Not surprisingly, the city of Alexandria was named after the conqueror of Egypt in 331 BC. One of the ancient wonders of the World, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was here.

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Quebec City was established in 1608.

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Tunis's metro system

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"Bangkok is Home to Red Bull "

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Toy Story 2 Was Almost Deleted

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At a ski resort, Lamborghini wants you to drive like a crazy.


Unemployment is low.

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Did you Know? Indian Constitution is a living document

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We share 98% of our DNA with Gorillas.

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Snakes use their tongues to smell.

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The Sistine Chapel of Prehistory is in Spain

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Water may exist in three states at the same time.

silk, silk production, indian silk, indian silk fact,

Did you Know? India is second largest silk producer in the world


There's No Remedy for Migraines

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

According to poll after survey, parents are more inclined to educate their sons essential breadwinning skills such as credit building and investing their money.


On a homestay experience, you may learn from the local Cambodians

smallest dog

The smallest dog breed in the world is the chihuahua.

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Withanolides are found in Ashwagandha.

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You shouldn’t capitalize “braille.”

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Insulin resistance may influence the therapy of hypertension in type 2 diabetics.

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Persian rugs are Exceptionally  Built

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Damselfish are farmers who cultivate small algae gardens.

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How can one get monkeypox?

Hindi, Urdu, language, Hindustani, north India, India

Hindi shares certain commonalities with Urdu, Bengali, Sanskrit, Nepalese, and Gujarati.

chinese, porcelain, Han Dynasty, imperial dynasty, Qing Dynasty

Porcelain was marked by the emperor's reign and dynasty.

pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Pompeii and Pink Floyd