
It is comprised of two types of stone.


Stonehenge is made up of two types of stones: sarsen stones (the bigger outside stones) and bluestones (the smaller inside stones). Sarsen stones are a form of sandstone that can be found in the nearby area, around 20 miles away. The bluestones, on the other hand, come from the Preseli Hills in south-west Wales. more than 140 miles away

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Soap production is used to cause fuel shortages and jeopardize the affordability of candles.

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Laos is the world's most bombed-out country.

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Did you Know? Nail Paint was developed from the car paint!

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 Richard Farnabe

Executive Chef Richard Farnabe and Alexandre Petrossian create the most costly soufflé.


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Empire Strikes Back revealed Boba Fett's face.

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Australia is home to all three types of mammals.

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Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones.

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In 1952, the greatest Test cricket upset occurred.

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Red hair can develop in people of any ethnicity.


Kiwi can support strong bones.

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They contain a tonne of antioxidants.

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Microfiber is ideal for environmentally friendly cleaning.


Along with your anxiousness, Chamomile might be beneficial.


Nobody is aware of the eruption's precise date in pompeii

cashew seeds

The cashew tree's fruit is an accessory fruit or fake fruit.


California is the United States' broccoli capital.

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Some Constellations Have Families