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Social media has been psychologically engineered to be addictive.

psychology, anger, rage, university, michigan, research, fury, testosterone, negative, positive, equ

You said you'd check your Facebook alerts immediately, but 15 minutes later you're still scrolling? You're not by yourself. Part of this is due to endless scroll: when you can stay on the site without engaging or clicking, your brain does not receive the "stop" message.

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Women are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer's disease.

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Ancient Egyptians Loved Board Games

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Yorkshire's first foreign-born player was Sachin Tendulkar.

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Did you Know? Joker was almost cancelled.


The new capital city that appeared overnight in Myanmar

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Scientists thought this dinosaur-era tree went extinct 150 million years ago — but then it was found growing wild in Australia.


The moonstone is a traveler's stone.

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Home births are still popular in the Netherlands

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The International Space Station still makes use of conventional toilet paper.

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Exposure to the sun:

Alzheimer's disease.

Education might lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

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Marie Curie once conducted research on a psychic medium.

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Did you Know? In 19th century dresses took a dramatic shape.


Eczema Comes in a Variety of Forms.

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Skin cancer is more common among redheads.

Walt Disney

"Walt Disney almost made a living by peddling vacuum cleaners. "

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Did you Know? In the movie Wakandans Have Their Own Language

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Books have a more forgiving return policy than a January Kohls.

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The official languages are Chinese and English.

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It took eight years to perfect the milk chocolate formula.

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Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.


The word yoghurt can be spelled in a variety of ways.

Afrikaans, african, dutch

Even though it's frequently associated with RSA, Afrikaans is also spoken elsewhere.

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Did you Know? Adultery is legal in Korea.