
They are pink because of beta-carotene.


The food of flamingos primarily consists of carotene-rich algae and crustaceans. Flamingos' well-known hot pink or reddish colouring is caused by this pigment.

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They contain a tonne of antioxidants.

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Side effects of kiwi

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You could be well on your way to a healthier and longer life.

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Football's Fastest Goal Scorer


Is home to two of the world's most livable cities.

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Christian saints warned that the lipstick was the devil's work.

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Soup days are observed all around the world.


The term "soufflé" is the past participle of the French verb "souffler."

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Did you Know? You are paralyzed while dreaming!

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Don’t Touch Me

Don’t Touch Me Plant is a very sensitive plant to the touch.