pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

A standard pencil can write 45,000 words.

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

A group of volunteers decided to put this theory to the test in 2007. They used only one pencil to write "To Kill a Mockingbird." The novel is 100,388 words long.

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Did you Know? The tray scene from spider-man scene took 156 takes.

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Did you Know? Columbus Didn't Actually Discover America

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

The marine lamprey is thought to have originated in the Atlantic rather than the Great Lakes.

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The Dutch national anthem is the oldest in the world


Eczema Is Not Spreadable

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Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

Mango grafting

Mango grafting also benefited from Mughal patronage.

iguana, reptile

Do iguanas lay eggs or not?

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Did you Know? T-shirt got its name so because it resembled letter T.


Collagen promotes elastin production.


Even though no one knows when yoghurt was discovered, the name "yoghurt" is unmistakably Turkish.

myanmar, pagodas, kingdom, pagan, buddhism, temples, burmese, burma, thanaka, magic

Change your watch when you arrive in Myanmar

yeti, india, russia, nepal, Professor Valentin Sapunov, Russian State Hydrometeorological University

According to one researcher, 200 yetis reside in northern Russia.


Raw Materials Are Used

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Shimla is the origin of numerous celebrities

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

A Fairyfly: Where Does It Live?

moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual, tiger eye

Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Addiction Recovery


No such thing as a Teacup Chihuahua exists.

Custard apple

Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are problematic.


Spiders enjoy going to the YMCA!

bubble wrap, bubble wrap facts

Bubble wrap was first used as wallpaper.

sweden, norway

Solar System Scaling

Soy Formula

Is Soy Formula Safe?

chia seed

Dr. Wayne Coates rediscovered chia in the 1990s.