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Did you Know? Soup is Batman's favourite food.

batman, batman facts, facts about batman, fun facts about batman, batman university, batman universi

It's Mulligatawny soup, to be exact. This is seen in Batman #701, as Alfred serves a fatigued Batman his favourite comfort meal. This dish is famous in British India and originates in South Indian cuisine.

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Hypnosis can be used to provide anaesthesia.

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The Khajuraho

The Khajuraho temple complex is split into three sections: Western, Eastern, and Southern.

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The 1979 NCAA tournament marked the beginning of the careers of basketball legends.

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Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!

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You Can Install Windows 10 Using a USB Flash Drive.

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Netflix executives used to have to make house calls.

chia seed

They work well as a baking ingredient!

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Wool was used to make the first cricket ball.

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These parasites affect the whole Great Lakes coastline, wreaking havoc on both permanent and seasonal companies, as well as property values and tourism growth.


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Cholesterol and fats are completely different