cashew seeds

They must be picked with care

cashew seeds

When the cashew apples mature, they are taken from the tree limb with the seeds still attached. Then the one-of-a-kind harvesting procedure begins. The seed is manually twisted and picked out while still in its shell, then dried and steamed. It must be frozen and cooked after drying before it can be extracted from its shell. Cashews are dried and roasted after harvesting in a long process that removes harmful oils and makes the shell brittle and simple to remove.

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Dust mites

Dust mites resemble tiny spiders.

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There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.


Bhutan is well-known for its brilliant, colourful celebrations.


Moisturizers can aid in wrinkle reduction.

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Sea lampreys are an excellent example of an invasive species.

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It performs endocrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.


Hypnosis can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments.


Kaleidoscopes Are Not Just a Kids' Toy

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Dark matter might be created by a boson companion.

Pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Researchers cast dead bodies


Your brows help people recognize you.

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Billy has also appeared in films other than Saw. Insidious, Dead Silence, and Death Sentence all featured him as an Easter egg.

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Did you know that Lavender Town in Pokemon has a dark secret?

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A WHOLE fish has been used to make candles.

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The betalain in beetroots might cause your feces to darken.

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Prisoners who abhorred lobster used to be offered it.

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Did you Know? Tamil Nadu is India's industry powerhouse

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It's okay to choose a salicylic acid-containing toner if your skin tends to be oilier.

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Did you Know? There is a reason why childhood friendships end.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is jam-packed with a wide range of creatures.

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Antibiotic compounds are produced by probiotics.


Heart disease accounts for one-third of all deaths.

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Their "Wings" Flap as They Move


Additionally, it is spoken in Argentina, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe.