curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Curtains and blinds from the past

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

During ancient times, animal skin was used to make blinds. Long ago, people who lived in hotter climates used animal hide to shield themselves from the sun's rays. They also used those materials as drapes to keep the interiors of their homes cool. The animal skins were soaked in water and hung on the doorways. As a result, the wind's effect created a cooling sensation, similar to natural coolers.

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When burning, a candle shouldn't produce smoke.

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The national dish is stinky tofu

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Despite having a Dutch foundation, a number of other languages have had an impact on Afrikaans.

White people

White people make about 60% of Afrikaans speakers.

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No, Jahangir, the Mughal emperor, did not find Kashmir. Emperor Ashoka established Srinagar.

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The World's Smallest Country


Sometimes, heavy bleeding might be caused by stomach ulcers.

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Did you Know? World record for birthday candles stands at over 70,000.

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The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

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Astronomy has long been associated with Stonehenge.

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The Female Funnel-Web is one of the world’s most deadly spiders!

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Jurassic Park Raptors Sound Like Tortoises Mating

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Aphrodite is the oldest Olympian.

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Vision boards serve as mental rehearsals.

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Toners are essential, particularly in the summer because they prepare your skin for moisturization

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The Great Sphinx of Giza is technically not a sphinx.

psychology, facts

What Is the Name of French Cinema?


There is no ocean, yet there are thousands of islands.

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High taxes inevitably resulted in shady soap-making activities.


A clerical costume is a misdemeanor in one state.


Flamingos have a 10,000–15,000-foot ceiling.

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In 1963 a cat went to space

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They used to go by another name.

hot pocket, hot, warm, chunk stuffers

There is a healthier option.

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The flags of Indonesia and Monaco are identical.