curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Curtains and blinds from the past

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

During ancient times, animal skin was used to make blinds. Long ago, people who lived in hotter climates used animal hide to shield themselves from the sun's rays. They also used those materials as drapes to keep the interiors of their homes cool. The animal skins were soaked in water and hung on the doorways. As a result, the wind's effect created a cooling sensation, similar to natural coolers.

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Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the fascinating Kung Fu nuns

yogurt, skin container, milk, shepherd, rediscovered

According to folklore, it was discovered by a shepherd.


Coconuts were named by the Portuguese.

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

Numbers come in two types.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Pigeons fly quickly.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

More than a quarter of women seeking medical attention for menopausal symptoms had to see their doctor three or more times before receiving therapy or support.

mango, south india, portuguese, maanga, surya bai, king

Apple Custard Enhances Cardiovascular Health

transsiberian, russia, railways, bridges, passangers, eight

A one-way trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway involves crossing 3,901 bridges.

john f kennedy, kennedy, jfk assassination, jfk burial

Did you Know? John F. Kennedy was laid to rest without his brain.

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

The Oxford English Dictionary took nearly 50 years to complete.

Sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

It is the birthplace of cinnamon.

caviar, lobster, cilento mountain oregano, mozzarella cheese, and grains of pink Australian sea salt

Did You Know.... One Of The Most Extravagant Pizzas

dennis, quaid, moviestar, dancemos, university, universityofhouston, studied, usweekly

Fun fact! Dennis Quaid Is A Ballet Dancer.

healthy bubblegum, healthy flavor, broccoli bubblegum

McDonald's once attempted to offer bubblegum-flavored broccoli in an attempt to persuade children to eat healthier.

Pigeons, Mesopotamian, hypothesis, domesticated, Scientists

Newborn pigeons are uncommon.



conspiracy, theory, prophecy fails, Leon Festinger, backfire effect

Many people subscribe to conspiracy theories.

adhd, accountant, mental health, disorder, environment, medication, therapy

Not Everyone Who’s High Energy Has ADHD


The Most Popular German Surname Is Müller

chia seed

Chia seeds have a 9-fold capacity for water absorption.

Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, Leatherface, Ed Gein, seriel killer

Did you Know? Three Major Horror Franchises were inspired from the same serial killer.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Bronte sisters struggled with their alcoholic and drug-dependent brother.

barbie, toy, american, america, americaninternational, newyork, doll, jackryan

Barbie was named after its creator's daughter.

oscars, theartist, bestpicture, 1929, wings, charlesbuddyrogers, richardallen, clarabow, younggaryco

Oldest Oscar recipient


Cholesterol level is determined by liver.