egg, egg yolk facts, egg whites, protein in eggs, egg protein, egg yolk protein, egg white protein,

The egg yolks and whites have the same amount of protein.

egg, egg yolk facts, egg whites, protein in eggs, egg protein, egg yolk protein, egg white protein,

This was certainly a surprise to us! Each egg white and yolk contains 3 grams of protein. So, while egg whites are traditionally associated with protein, they don't have a significant advantage over their yellow counterpart. The main distinction is in the number of calories. A single yolk contains 3 grams of protein for 60 calories, whereas an egg white contains 3 grams of protein for only 15 calories.

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Each Time They Shed, They Add a Rattle Segment.

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Did you Know? In-flight oxygen masks aren't intended to last the whole flight.


In most cases, stomach ulcers do not show any symptoms.

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The fastest growing plant on the planet



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Casablanca's Sam Was a Drummer

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Fun Fact! Machu Picchu Isn’t That Old

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Pigeons make great mail carriers.


Persians were also recognised as innovators in the fields of refrigeration, cooling, and ventilation.