indonesia, population, travel, destination, facts, united states

There are about 700 different languages and dialects spoken in the country.

indonesia, population, travel, destination, facts, united states

This astounding number of languages are spoken throughout the Indonesian archipelago, with Bahasa Indonesia serving as the country's official language. Papua Province alone has around 270 spoken dialects. Indonesia has a total population of roughly 242 million people and is the world's largest Muslim-majority country.

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From minor trickling to potentially fatal bleeding, stomach ulcers can bleed.


Amaltas Cure erysipelas

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It could have been a cemetery.

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Other countries, ironically, consider marine lamprey to be a delicacy.

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Snakes use their tongues to smell.

Santa Claus

Turkey is where Santa Claus was born.


Motivation is provided via vision boards.

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Did you Know? Before birthday cake candles, candles on the cakes were saved for the goddesses on moon.


The first piece of music to use the trombone in an orchestra was Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.